Our Values


With an extensive background in deep learning and an eye to the future, we have wisdom and foresight to impart at every level.


We strive to efficiently complete every endeavour in front of us. Settling for less is not a part of our culture.


Your success is our success. Collaboration and clarity go hand in hand for us.


From internal correspondence to external communication, everything we do is predicated on respect, trust, and honesty.

Who we are and what we do

TKI Skills Academy offers progressive training programs focused on enhancing personal and professional growth. Our courses, developed at global standards, are adapted to the market’s needs and professionals’ experiential learning expectations.

We created the Academy to help organizations reach peak performance through better-skilled professionals operating more mature organisational capabilities. Skills and overall business acumen such as effective communication, data analysis, emotional intelligence, risk management, and innovationare a proven ingredients of professional and organisational success.

Why we are different

We offer a multitude of educational tools and techniques to maximize learning outcomes. From case studies, exercises, toolkits, reading bricks and video content, to online databases and our proprietary eLearning platform, participants to our courses receive more than a simple classroom based course. All our courses combine classroom and online delivery. More importantly, all course participants are assessed at the beginning and at the end of each course, their learning being evaluated and validated through a certification credential.


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