Sales and Customer Service

Certificate in Sales Negotiation: Retail Banking

Duration: 2 days


Learning Objectives

The world of banking has become increasingly competitive and increased regulation, margin pressures, and the drive to digital and more demanding customers. This means it has never been more important to maximise results from every customer interaction. The course will enable attendees to better understand the pace of change around them and equip them with a far greater understanding of customer behaviour, enabling them to help customers “buy” their products and services.

  • Appreciate the latest banking trends and understand how customer insights can drive higher sales;
  • Learn what are the key behaviours that influence customers’ likelihood of buying products and services;
  • Learn how to sell experiences rather than products, how to drive loyalty, and increase repeat sales.

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Certificate in Negotiation: Achieving Objectives

Duration: 2 days


Learning Objectives

Negotiation is a process that accompanies every interaction, including the direct sales advisory process. This process has certain variables and factors that can influence the outcome of a negotiation. This course can help you manage the negotiation process in the sense that each party involved will achieve its objectives.

  • Understanding the negotiation process during trade advisory services and identify different negotiation styles and tactics;
  • Understanding the value of a win-win negotiation;
  • Applying the negation process during trade advisory services.

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Certificate in Effective Negotiation

Duration: 1-3 days experiential learning


Learning Objectives

We believe that understanding our own personality and how it impacts our negotiation style can be of real value. This experiential learning program will be run on a highly interactive basis. We will go over the “theoretical” part first, then emphasize the skills of negotiation in industry-based role-play and case studies.

  • Define the personal negotiating style and identify specific areas of behavior to be developed or changed so as to improve their performance in future negotiations;
  • Understand the principle of the win/win methodology and explain the phases and stages involved in a negotiation;
  • Communicate more effectively by understanding different cultures and adjusting behavior accordingly.

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Certificate in Influence and Persuasion

Duration: 1-2 days


Learning Objectives

The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with the skills necessary to influence, persuade, and communicate more effectively with colleagues, managers, clients and other departments and divisions.

  • Know how to establish credibility to increase the chances of influencing others;
  • Have a better understanding of their own personality and communication style and how it impacts others;
  • Develop and deepen your knowledge of nonverbal communication and learn how to use it practically to help persuade others.

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Certificate in Efficient B2B Sales

Duration: 2 days


Learning Objectives

The way in which procurement is achieved today is more and more complex, which is why the direct sales advisory approach must adapt to the potential clients’ change in behaviour. This course presents a structured approach to direct sales by identifying and correlating the sales model (of the seller) with the acquisition model (of the client).

  • Understanding the selling/acquisition process during trade advisory services and the role of the vendor/client;
  • Building a relationship based on trust;
  • Applying best practices during trade advisory services.

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Certificate in Building Solutions for B2B Sales

Duration: 2 days


Learning Objectives

The way in which procurement is achieved today is more and more complex. Thus, each potential client who must choose a supplier who has a number of solutions that can answer his real (explicit) needs. No matter the decision, the potential client will always choose the best solution (from his perspective). This course presents an approach through which you can identify the optimal solution by taking into account the client’s needs.

  • Understanding the client’s perspective and applying a system of investigating the client’s real needs;
  • Creating exclusive benefits and optimal solutions for potential clients;
  • Applying best practices in trade advisory services.

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Certificate in Sales: Accelerate Sales in Retail

Duration: 2 days


Learning Objectives

The RETAIL Sales Techniques Program is designed to facilitate the connection between the company’s objectives and the needs of sales personnel. Starting from everyone’s desire to develop, continuing with the understanding of your own communication style and integrating this style in the selling process, this course can provide a fresh start for any sales professional.

  • Identify your own communication style and manage all the stages of the sales process;
  • Integrate the right mentality regarding the sales process;
  • Learn how to approach customers based on their typology.

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Certificate in Customer Care: Next level Client Relationship

Duration: 2 days


Learning Objectives

Communicating is not always easy, as we always have to factor in one’s character, in addition to their way of thinking, emotions, and current state of mind. Our networking course is designed to objectively assess our participants’ manner of communicating, whilst offering them practical self-evaluation methods and strategies, so as to ensure that the communication process goes smoothly.

  • Understand how one’s mind can influence the communication process;
  • Understand how one’s ego can get in the way of a clear communication process;
  • Understand how one’s emotions can influence the communication process.

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Certificate in Sales Management: Sales Leadership

Duration: 2 days


Learning Objectives

Being a leader means coming to the aid of your subordinates when they need it – this requires a great degree of mental fortitude, as well admitting to expose your more vulnerable side. Such a character is built in time, through experience and knowledge gains. Our Sales Leadership Course was designed to combine knowledge with experience, giving sales managers the understanding they need to ease their work.

  • Appreciate the latest banking trends and understand how customer insights can drive higher sales;
  • Learn what are the key behaviours that influence customers’ likelihood of buying products and services;
  • Learn how to sell experiences rather than products, how to drive loyalty and increase repeat sales.

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Certificate in Sales Management: Stress Management

Duration: 2 days


Learning Objectives

We have all experienced stress. We all know how it feels and nowadays, it has become quite commonplace to stress out due to our workloads. As such, there needs to be a greater degree of awareness regarding this issue. Our 6-hour course offers the necessary tools to reduce your stress levels, both at work and at home, and benefit from a healthy emotional system.

  • Understand the factors that lead to stress build-up;
  • Try out the deep relaxation state exercise and learn how to manage your emotions;
  • Understand how new and fresh habits can improve your performance.

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Certificate in Direct Marketing: The Art of a Sales Call – Telesales

Duration: 2 days


Learning Objectives

This course is designed for both those just starting their sales journey, as well as those who have ventured on the beaten path and want to revisit it, to learn things they might have overlooked. Our 2-day program offers participants the chance to evaluate their sales style, structure their sales call, learn about best practice examples and by the end of it all, build a sales style that best fits them.

  • Explore the inner motivations of a sales agent and discover the methods of approaching a client based on their typology.
  • Identify and learn how to properly manage every step of the sales process;
  • Understand each step behind the sales best practice examples, as well as how to transition between steps.

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Certificate in Managing Sales People

Duration: 1-3 days workshop


Learning Objectives

Many valuable workshops and training courses have been developed to help front line sales and relationship managers perform their role more effectively. In order for the skills and techniques learned, to be put into practice, and maintained, sales people must be managed appropriately. This course has been designed specifically for those who manage sales people to help them improve the performance of their team as well as measure and monitor their results.

  • Learn how to plan and organise your sales team more effectively;
  • Understand the sales profile and use it to measure effort and activity in all areas of the sales process;
  • Discuss strategies for market segmentation, client development and retention, and for the recruitment, development and retention of your sales team.

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Certificate in Relationship Management

Duration: 1-3 days workshop


Learning Objectives

This three-day skills workshop aims to provide participants with the advanced skills they need to identify, develop, and solve clients’ business needs. It focuses on techniques for building, maintaining, and extending the relationship of trust and mutual benefit with clients from the moment you plan the initial contact call, all the way through reaching long-standing accounts.

  • Identify and enhance personal selling and negotiating styles to achieve better results;
  • Make use of persuasive, non-manipulative closing techniques to gain client commitment at each stage of the sales process;
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your customer service systems, as well as plan and prepare for negotiations more effectively.

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Certificate in Customer Experience for Retail Banking

Duration: 2 days


Learning Objectives

Banks need to differentiate their offerings in order to grow revenue, reduce costs, and meet the challenge of increased regulation and competition, alongside managing the impact of the drive to digital. Understanding what customers want and responding pro-actively presents banks with a growth opportunity, provided they have created the appropriate culture to deliver performance excellence through understanding the experience required by customers.

  • Enhance your performance growth and revenue opportunities through improved marketing and customer interaction;
  • Learn about the best methods of driving higher customer advocacy;
  • Learn what skills are required in tomorrow’s new generation manager – how do you recruit and train your teams in this new world?

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Certificate in Excellence for Customer Service

Duration: 3 days


Learning Objectives

Focusing on the performance management dimension, the course starts with defining and discussing the importance of excellent customer service, identifies what customers expect, and how service providers adapt their own behavior accordingly. During the course, we emphasize how to handle a customer’s problems by leaving a professional impression.

  • Explain the importance of a customer service culture in a competitive business environment;
  • Analyze basic behavioural patterns of different customer personalities and the best way to deal with them, as well as implement strategies for service recovery aimed at regaining customer loyalty;
  • Define the process of managing a customer’s complaints and learn how to handle customer behaviour.

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Certificate in Credit Collection

Duration: 2 days


Learning Objectives

An intensive and content-rich program to help you and your organisation collect more money, quicker. However, a sale is not complete until the customer pays AND returns to deal with your firm again, paying on time in the future – the true ‘ART OF COLLECTIONS’.
The objective of this highly participative program is to ensure attendees develop a systematic approach to one of their firm’s largest liquid asset after cash – tailored to their individual needs.

  • Discover what collections ‘really’ are about when you learn the Standards of the Profession;
  • Communicate simply and effectively with the written and spoken word on sometimes delicate and difficult subjects;
  • Master key negotiation skills to shorten the collection timeline.

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Certificate in Negotiation Skills

Duration: 2 days


Learning Objectives

This training course will provide participants with a set of tools to handle the most demanding negotiation professionally. By working on a carefully chosen array of cases, participants will learn how to enhance participants analytical skills and build their intuition, both of which are prerequisites for successful negotiations. The course will also show participants how to use these tools to make the most out of situations participants may face, whether in your professional or personal life.

  • Prepare and manage effective negotiations;
  • Assess their own negotiating strengths and weaknesses and those of the other side;
  • Prepare and manage team negotiation.

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